
Nearby DMV Offices in East Rochester, New York To find your local East Rochester location, select the motor vehicle office from the list below or by using the map provided. Did you know that not every East Rochester office in New York offers the same services? Fortunately, a list of motor vehicle-related services is included among other essential details. When you select the location nearest you, information on the East Rochester office hours of operation, address, holidays and contact information is provided.


East Rochester Drivers Test Route

**Eligibility Requirements for a Rapid Road Test: • Verify that you meet all of the New York State Road Test requirements to take your test. • Have open availability, any day or time, Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:00pm. Due to limited availability for these expedited road tests, we may NOT change the date or time once the appointment is scheduled. If y ou do not have open availability within this time frame, it is not recommended to sign up for this service. • Be willing to travel if necessary. In order to maximize your opportunities, we search for appointment openings in several locations, within a 30 mile radius of Rochester, N.Y. • Cancel any pre-existing appointments.